AAPP News and coming events

Dear supporters of justice and democracy

Don't forget to sign our petition to the incoming government for an ICAC and strong whistleblower protections legislation! Over 10,000 have signed, help circulate it and get it to 20,000!!

If you are in Melbourne, you can join the Convoy calling to bring Julian Assange home, starting from Green Point, Brighton at 9am and going via the UK and US consulates, to Parliament arriving around 11.30am.  See attached poster.  The film ITHACA, about Julian's father's fight for his freedom is being shown on ABC TV at 8.30pm on 7 June.  Please write to British Home Secretary, Priti Patel at withammp@parliament.uk  asking her to refuse his extradition to the US. This tortuous process is slow murder of a man who has committed no crime!

The election is occupying much of our brain space at the moment.  If you know any people, young or old,who are not sure of how to make their vote count most effectively, here is an excellent video from Juice Media explaining all.  When they talk about the candidates and climate, it also applies equally to the implementation of a strong ICAC. A slight language alert is warranted, but it's not too bad on this one. Please help circulate this.

Don't forget the Medical Association for the Prevention of War's fundraising dinner with speaker, David McBride, at 6.30pm on Friday 27 May, at the Ainslie Football Club, Canberra, $75. Bookings at  rosieyuille@iinet.net.au   See the attached flyer.   MAPW is a supporting organisation of AAPP.

Mark Dreyfus, made an excellent speech to the Australian Bar Association on 30 April, criticising the Government's Attorney-Generals failure to protect the rule of law, and outlining his vision for the Attorney-General's portfolio. A very good read here.

If you are in Adelaide and would like to celebrate Timor Leste's 20th anniversary of Independence on 23 May, see the notice here on our webpage.


“East Timor, René Girard and Neocolonial Violence: Scapegoating as Australian Policy”  is on 11 June at ACU Strathfield NSW.


You can attend in person or via Zoom.  If you wish to attend by Zoom, please contact  Susan: 0498 473 341    See here for more details about the book.

The Sustainable Universities Network (SUN) is campaigning against Woodside’s climate destroying Scarborough gas project, as explained in this open letter.  The petition, ‘Students say no to Scarborough’ is looking for signatures from:

  • Australian university students and student groups

  • Australian university alumni

  • Australian university staff

Woodside is notorious for benefitting from the Australian government bugging of the Timor Leste government offices in 2004.  That is another reason to boycott this company!

for justice and democracy


Kathryn KellyCo-convenor,  Alliance Against Political Prosecutions


How to vote for whistleblower protections and a strong ICAC